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How can I remove a hotspot from my workspace?

If you manually added a hotspot to your workspace, you can simply check out following article to remove the hotspot from your workspace: remove manually added hotspot.

If the hotspot is added to your workspace because you imported the hotspot via a wallet, you'll have to either delete the wallet from your workspace or you simply stop tracking hotspots for this linked wallet.

Option 1: Stop tracking hotspots for a wallet

  1. Go over to your workspace.

  2. Click Wallets.

  3. Click on the 3 dots next to the desired wallet that has the hotspot attached.

  4. Click Stop tracking hotspots.

You can now remove the hotspot as you would for a manual added hotspot.


Option 2: Remove the hotspot wallet address from your workspace

This option can also be found if you follow the steps provided for option 1.


  1. Go over to your workspace.

  2. Click Hotspots.

  3. Click on the 3 dots next to the desired hotspot that you want to remove.

  4. Click Remove wallet from workspace.

You can now remove the hotspot as you would for a manual added hotspot.